1.A Ring Nebula
2.Jupiter Close-up View

3.STS-41-B Space Walk

4.Horsehead Nebula

5.Tesla Car In Space

Private space organization
SpaceX used founder Elon Musk’s red Tesla Roadster as its payload during its
February 6, 2018 test launch. The launch was an overall success, sending Mr.
Musk’s car deep into space on a trans-Mars injection heliocentric orbit. This
photo was taken from the outside of the driver’s side of the car and shows a
demo version of the company’s planned spacesuit design with both hands on the
6.Westerlund 2

This special image of the cluster Westerlund was
released as part of the Hubble Space Telescope’s 25th year in orbit. A star
cluster in the center of the image blends visible light and near-infrared
exposures to create a jaw-dropping blend of color in the image.
The Hubble Space Telescope captured
thousands of galaxies in this breathtaking observation in 1999. The largest
feature depicted is galaxy UGC 10214 known as the Tadpole because of its odd
shape. Located roughly 420 million light-years away, this odd-shaped galaxy is
the result of a gravitational encounter with a small interloper (the bright
blue feature in the to left of the image). This cosmic collision created a
number of stars and stars clusters and each of these individual clusters is
comprised of up to 1 million stars. Eventually these will evolve into globular clusters
like our Milky Way galaxy.

In July 2015, the New Horizons craft gave mankind its first up-close and personal look at the dwarf planet formerly known as our ninth planet, Pluto. When NASA began combing through these transmitted images, the team was initially taken aback by a patchwork of seemingly “fresh” polygonal shapes atop Sputnik Planum, an equatorial sea of frozen nitrogen. These findings and others indicate the dwarf planet is surprisingly still geologically active.To celebrate the two-year anniversary of New Horizon’s initial flyby, NASA used mission data as well as elevation models based on Pluto and its moon, Charon, to create a series of virtual flyovers.

Cassini captured this image of Saturn’s A and F rings,
the craggy moon Epimetheus, and a hazy Titan drifting in the background. Titan
is the only moon in our solar system known to have an Earth-like cycle of
liquids flowing across its surface and also an atmosphere. It is believed
conditions on the moon could possibly support life. Researchers have proposed an
array of crafts that may one day unlock the secrets of the mystifying moon.
These concept vehicles range from a subsurface probe capable of drilling
through potential surface ice to a helium blimp that could circumnavigate the
moon every few weeks.
The Galileo spacecraft captured this composite image of
Jupiter’s moon, Europa, in the late 1990s. Researchers believe Europa is home
to a global ocean of liquid water — nearly 60 miles deep — beneath a frozen
exterior. If this turns out to be true, Europa would contain more than twice as
much water as Earth. Europa’s distance from Jupiter varies due to its orbital
pattern causing flexing along the surface. These disproportionate gravitational
tugs are responsible for creating the ridges and cracks along the surface,
producing these intricate markings as regions continuously shatter and freeze.
The same tidal flexing responsible for these geological features may also cause
volcanic activity along the seafloor. The subsequent heat and nutrients from
such hydrothermal activity could potentially support living organisms.
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